You are number

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Can you see me? Can you hear me? Hello?

So today the main topic will be about CCTV.


Boss/owner of the company do not need to come every other time to do a spotcheck on their workers. Or in other easier words, stalk the workers. Did they curi tulang? Did they all do what they were supposed to? Or were they taking things too easily? Thus he gets to save his time and his petrol to come and go back every night before they gym is closed.

Insurance is covered. Nowadays, nothing is ever free. Nothing will be given that easily without proven proof. If the gym were to be robbed on any night, that would be unfortunate. Cause I tell you, the gym makes a lot of money (ehem). So if there were no recorded tapes proving the gym got robbed, tak ke satu hal lain pulak the insurance company had to call the police or investigator to investigate everything. Malaysian police dah lah not as efficient as FBI tu. No offence people.


You are being watched over 24/7. Yes lah, what do you expect? The CCTV is set up for that reason. No such thing as to make sure the insurance company will cover if suddenly the gym terbakar or something. That is just a cover up.  So the boss knows what you are doing and the best part is, when you forget its existence. Padah le jawabnya. You got bored so you turun padang and join the  rest working out. Haa kantoi disitu.

Wireless fidelity is slowed down by 7 times by 100. The CCTV can be watched through online, name it, Facebook, Twitter? Semua boleh. That was what the kakak told me. I am not really sure how it works. Which means, even if you go mobile web to check on yr Fb or Twitter account, it will still be slow.

The above reason, can cause you to be extra tension/stressed out. Brings a lot of disease you know. Elok muda remaja ni nnt muka berkerut sbb tension wifi lembab mcm arnab merangkak -_-

The saddest part is that I cannot even watch Marimar anymore. At home, adik is downloading movies. So line is obviously slow. At work, the CCTV if they are being watched online, line is supeeeeeeeeer slow. Cannot even tweet like always. I am veryyyyyyy sad.


Can you see who wins? The disadvantages. So please pull out the CCTV pleasssssse.

Kalau ini je main points aku untuk buat essay masa SPM haritu, mmg kempunan jatuh tangga la nak dapatkan 100/100 markah tu. 

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