You are number

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I put you two in the same category. I get close to one, I'll know how another reacts. Your immaturities, insecurities, reactions. All same.

Monday, July 18, 2011


First of all, sorry saya lame sebab bawak hashtag ke blog.

Second of all, saya tak kisah pun apa awak nak cakap. Saya buat demikian bersebab, sebabnya tak lain dan tak bukan, saya tak mahu bos saya baca dan seterusnya mengetahui kebanyakan perkara yg saya lalui semasa kecil. Saya tak tahu kenapa, tapi firasat saya kuat mengatakan bahawa bos tidak lagi mempunyai kepercayaan yg teguh spt dahulu terhadap saya.

Sebab musabab? Ada budak bertuah yg berumur 25 tahun yg mulutnya, kalah tempayan. Tambah lagi dgn kaki report. Memangg, memang. Sabar je la. Tp tak mengapa, aku kerja situ bukan sampai mati, so boleh sabar dan buat relax je ;)

Mari kita teruskan ke topik hari ini. Eh malam ini. Sekarang baru pukul 12 tengah malam. Apa hal hari pulak kan. Tapi dah hari baru, eh betullah. Eh apa-apa je lah.

1. Saya bangun awal, dalam pukul 6. Selesai mandi, tepat2 masa utk menunaikan solat Subuh. Lepas tu kemas beg. Keluar rumah pukul 6.50 pagi. Tak tipu woi. Dulu aku siap cepat, tak perlu nak bedak muka. Haa sampai sekolah pukul 7 pagi.

2. Saya naik basikal pergi ke sekolah.

3. Saya akan menyapu lantai kelas saya sehingga bersih, keseorangan. Mcm loser disitu. Tapi saya tak kisah pun.

4. Saya seorang pengawas yg suka mengambil kesempatan. Hik hik

5. Tepat jam pukul 7.15 pagi saya akan pergi ke kelas jagaan saya, marah budak-budak kelas tersebut, kerah mereka sapu lantai, lap tingkap (bukan lap basah pun, asal tak berhabuk je) dan susun meja. Ya, guna pembaris panjang tu ye. Yg cikgu suka guna utk babap kita kalau kerja sekolah tak siap tu.

6. 7.25 pagi saya arahkan semua budak pergi beratur di tapak perhimpunan.

7. 7.30 pagi saya pula menuju ke tapak perhimpunan, jerit kepada mereka suruh beratur bagi lurus, kalau boleh nak kalahkan pembaris panjang tu. BARIS, LURUS!

8. Ada budak yg saya berkenan hati ni, cikgu Bahasa Melayu saya cakap karangan dia terpesong. Woo sanggup tu saya sneak out drp tugas saya sbg seorang pengawas, naik ke kelas pada waktu rehat. Selongkar barang beliau, cari kertas karangan dia. Nak baca, rasa tak puas hati bergaul dgn sedikit simpati. Kenapa dan bagaimana boleh terpesong karangan beliau tu? Mamat tersebut skrg selamat berkapel dgn awek cina. Wuyoo cemburu saya.

9. Waktu sudah habis rehat pula, bukan main semangat lagi halau budak-budak suruh pergi beratur di tapak perhimpunan tak pun balik kelas. Kalah org yg fanatik bola jerit-jerit bagi sokongan padu mereka tu tau. Lepas tu tak reti balik kelas dgn kadar segera, malahan muka tebal kalah buku rujukan Fizik SPM tu pergi mintak ayam free drp pakcik kantin. Bkn seketul, 3-4 ketul pun boleh dapat. Kalau beli sendiri, seketul RM1. Tu yg waktu rehat sanggup berpura-pura diet tu.

10. Saya bulat. Maksud saya, pipi saya bulat. Lepas tu terkejut hampir nak demam apabila dapat keputusan UPSR. Bangga mak bapak aku jemput aku dr sekolah woi. Pdhal hampir 100+ org dpt keputusan cemerlang.

Sekian, itu sahaja memori indah saya menjadi seorang budak di sekolah rendah dulu.

Sekolah Kebangsaan Jalan Tiga, sekolah kebanggaanku. Sampai bila-bila.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ignorant kills, too

I've been my usual self of ignorant. I am OVERly ignorant that I didn't even care if I came work late.

Like today, work starts at 4 but I came at 4.30. That IS late, like VERY late to me ok. Kalau 10 minit lmbt pun dah gelabah, ni 30 minit lambat. Apaa cerita? Me don't care.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Relationship tips #1

Never compare your parents with each other's.

Let me tell you why, say if you guys are meant to be together forever oh the happy ending.. *dreaming* walking down the altar..* Oi awak tu melayu la oi.

Ah *slaps face* k back to the point. Sure setiap raya or any celebration you are gonna invite parents masing-masing kan? Takkan masa tu you guys still wanna compare. Lgpun bila dah kahwin nnt masa raya mst salam mintak maaf. Some wives would follow their husband and live together in the in-laws house. Nak compare jgk?

Mmg tak kemana la kau. Satu je, everybody has their own flaws, their imperfections. That is what that make them unique, make everyone taken. The only person you can be is YOU! Bcs as cliche as this might sound, no one is perfect. That's the first.

Another thing I can conclude, you two have no respect for each other. Obviously when you compare you will be biased. Duh? Who will not back up their own parents? It's ever so illogical if you see someone hating their parents and you will start to go bonkers against them, kan? Think.

So never compare, learn to accept and appreciate instead. It will lead you to a good life.

Been there, done that.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just telling

I hate everything that implies, I am the one who added you at Facebook. Seriously, I hardly add people.

If I do, it's because I am really interested to be friends with that particular person or. Yup, just that. May I emphasize on, REALLY INTERESTED?

Or if that person has annoyed me beyond my limitations that I have to go search you and.. press the "Add Friend" button. Duh?

Because I don't add people, I set all of my page private. The only thing you could see would be my profile picture and my email. And the "Add Friend" button on my page.

Oh I forgot, the "Unfriend" and "Report/block this person" buttons -_-

If you did try though, to those who are not in my friendlist, you can't even search me on Facebook. It's like I'm a non-existent.

Yes, to that extent. Ahaks.

Why? I don't want so many useless people in my friendlist when I already have enough.

Wanted to delete some. But all of them turns out to be someone I know, from school. From work. From university. Juniors, seniors.

I just can't delete them. Kang terasa pulak.

Oh unless, you've done something so irritating for my eyes to read. I have no reasons left to keep you in my friendlist.

Kbye. I sound so kerek here.

Monday, July 4, 2011

What I was saying

was that I am missing you. Until now.

Someone at the gym just made me realise, even harder deeper that all I wanted, was you. You were and are still the only reason why I am single right now. The sole, ultimate reason.

I don't know if that is supposed to be amazing or. Disappointing.

For once and for all, all I wanted is you.

I didn't wanna end up like a friend of mine, who is now with a boyfriend who is super nice. That it got her so hard, to dumb him and get herself the only boy that she has been missing for so long. Three years I shall say. She dumped her ex, whom she is still missing up till now, bcs her ex was a playboy. He two-timed her.

I wrote more than 500 words already telling a story about a girl. Making it a third person view. Didn't post it up. I did not know why I did not want to post it up. To be precise, it was a 663 words essay. Halfway done.

For all I know, after doing so, I only miss you, even harder than before :-(

Sunday, July 3, 2011

I could not sleep, I need sleeping pills

Oh the line after the comma, it was from my bestfriend. Mom couldn't sleep too. I went out just now to living room, thought of watching some movies my little brother downloaded online, only to find out that she was there, facebooking. I know, my momma's very cool, she has her own Facebook. What even cooler is that, I no longer have anything to hide from her, anymore. :)

Alright, so lately I have been thinking. My salary? Nak guna untuk beli apa? Yes, some of you might say, bagi parents la a part of it. I did think of that. Tp cm.. My parents tak mintak pun from me anything. All they asked for is for me to treat them to lunch/dinner. That's not a big deal at all.

Ceh cakap lebih, kau tengok sendiri nnt, kau belanja dorg ke tidak?

My salary, it is not that much. If I were to compare to other places, for instance, kalau kerja kat butik Zara tu, mmg lah tak seberapa. Terus terang aku cakap, gaji tak sampai seribu pun. In fact, tak pernah sampai seribu. Akan sampai, kalau aku dpt close personal trainer atau, sales bulanan mencecah RM25k dan ke atas. Personal trainer tu, kalau aku dpt yakinkan orang utk amik personal training kat gym, nnt dpt lah dlm RM140 atau RM180. So kalau dpt score dua org, dpt lah cecah 1k. Ni ha, dah masuk dua bulan kerja, barulah dpt merasa gaji 1k++. Alhamdulillah :-)

So dgn gaji aku yg tak seberapa ni, dah dua bulan kerja. Aku fikir, mcm nak beli Samsung Galaxy Tab. Lepastu nak tukar number, guna Digi pulak, yes baju kuning ye rakan-rakan. Jgn pakai baju kuning tau masa 9 Julai nnt, tak pepasal kena tangkap dgn polis. Kan ada Bersih rally tu. Ok melencong pulak dah. Back to topic now. Sebab musabab nak tukar ke Digi? Senang je, sbb nak online 24/7.

Which, I do not really need that. Why?

1. Tadi baru je outing with family (kenapa aku sebut outing dgn family pulak ni) dalam perjalanan pulang dr MidValley ke rumah, terdetik di fikiran "see, I did have fun going out today. I do not really need to be online 24/7 kan mcm org lain yg guna BB tu". Betul ke tidak? Betul. Aku terpaksa mengaku, aku tiada sebab utk beli Galaxy Tab tu.

2. Korg tahu tak Galaxy Tab tu besar dia mcmana? Rupa dia mcmana? Skrin dia 7 inci tau. Aku nak sbb senang taip, dan bila kita dah taip tu dia takkan automatik tukar ke ayat bahasa inggeris, mcm sebarang produk keluaran syarikat Apple, spt iPhone yg akan buat anda menjadi seorang iBroke itu. Ok? Sbb secara jujur, aku cukup menyampah bila guna iPad pakcik aku, asal aku taip je, tetibe jd bahasa lain. Lepastu tanpa sedar, dah tertekan send. Ha mulalah org cop aku ni banyak typo. Itulah yg paling aku benci wahai manusia sekalian alam oiii. Oh ha, so kalau skrin depa dah 7 inci, apa lg, handbag saya pun kena la besar skit. Takkan nak tggl Tabby kat rumah je kot? Kena la bawak pegi mana2 kan. Lepastu leceh, kena ada headset jgk ke mana-mana kita pergi. Kang tak pepasal kena jwb call org dgn loudspeaker. Aishh.

Dah masuk study nnt cmne? Lg lah, dgn buku setebal batu-bata org buat utk bina rumah tu lagi. Aiseymannn.

Kalau korg dah baca sebab aku yg baru dua kerat tu ha, korg mst boleh nmpk, yg aku masih antara nak atau taknak beli kan Galaxy Tab tu? Ayuh kita teruskan ke alasan yg ketiga pula.

3. Kalau tak beli Galaxy Tab, aku boleh beli banyak benda lain dgn gaji aku. Boleh tambahkan lg semak kat bilik aku ni dgn pelbagai baju baru. Boleh beli heels yg entah bila lg aku pakai. Al maklumlah, keluar lepak dgn kawan pun sgt jarang. Selalu dgn kawan baik aku je, yg mana ktorg selalu lepak mamak. Takkan nak bergaya mcm org tak ingat dunia setakat lepak mamak je kot? Tp, aku kerja 3 bulan ++, skrg ni tgh tggu gaji bulan ketiga pulak. So, nnt aku dpt duit lebih jgk. Cuma, kalau beli Tabby, mmg aku takde duit lebih lgsg la utk spend time degree nnt.

Ayat last tu, mmg attempt aku sendiri untuk tepek diri sendiri. So skrg, aku rasa aku dah tahu aku patut beli ke tak Galaxy Tab tu. Tp.. ish keinginan diri ini tetap meronta-ronta disuruh tuan punya badan memenuhi kehendak hati :-(

Pun boleh, Lea. Make up yr mind lah!

Kalau tak beli Galaxy Tab, kau boleh la beli produk kesukaan kau yg kau dah lama idam-idamkan tu.

Clinique Clear Skin System untuk sifar jerawat. Dan tidak lupa juga, B.Liv Off with Those Heads.

Serious dah terlebih drp 10 kali aku masuk Sasa, just to check on that B.Liv product, manalah tahu, kot2 sale harga turun mendadak mmg masa tu jgk aku pergi atm machine nak withdraw duit. Lepastu declare diri papa kedana ye.

Oh btw, lupa nak ckp, ada customer ni ha smlm selepas habis dia workout, dia tunjuk gambar dia pergi karaoke dgn Dato' Siti. Aku berangan kejap kot2 satu hari dia nak ajak aku join sekaki kan.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

When life is too good, something will come to destroy it

First of all, the title is extra cliche. Second of all, as depressing as it may sound, I am stressed right now. Just do not disturb me or I will burst. Heh that surely does not scare you, didnt it?

 The reason Im down tonight.

My friend's tweet, specially tweeted for me.

Got me to this, after some words and lame jokes.

Im starting to think, what if I didnt get this? What if all I do is just gonna embarrass myself?

Tell you what, it's gonna be worth the ride.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Is it fair if you are doing the same thing as the juniors but you are paid more? I certainly do not see any special reason why you should get paid more, except for seniority purpose.

Bcs all you do is going online all the time. Like all the freaking time. To the extent that I simply act like I didnt see there were customers in front of me so that you will do your job. That was what you were entitled to do, too.

Jgn la kerja kau asyik nak marah aku, ckp aku tak buat kerja. I know, I am new. But that does not mean you can buat kerja sambil lewa.

Friday, May 27, 2011

When you know something, you share it

"Gym will be closed this Sunday. Sorry for the inconvenience."

A customer came in and asked nicely,

Eh nak tanyalah, betul ke lepas the word "be", kena closed as in ada D kat belakang the word? Bkn ke "will be" tu mksdnya belum berlaku lagi/future?

I replied with all confidence that I have bcs I know all about grammar hikhik *bajet ckp besar pulak kat sini pdhal jwb td mcm gagap jgk fikir example nak bagi* and explained,

Eh betul dah tu, closed. Sbb err errr. Ala mcmana nak cakap eh. Haaa kan kita ada 3 tense *semangat ni, siap guna jari tunjuk satu demi satu* present tense, past tense and past participle. For example, write. Past tense is wrote. Past participle is written. So kalau nak dijadikan ayat "this will be written by bla bla bla". Kita kena guna past participle, bkn past tense.

Haa lebih kurg mcmtu lah aku jawab. But this guy who asked, was not someone I like to entertain kat situ. But well, kerja aku ala-ala PR kan, semua orang lah kena layan. Then he replied with,

Ohh haah kan. Betul laa, betul laa.

And walked away to the toilet with a smile. Which is good, I have taught someone what I know. That feels good, to both of us.

So that basically increased my self-esteem up to an upper level. It's so amazing to have this little knowledge and the power to explain of what is right and what is wrong.

I know, it is just a simple grammar, but not all can explain it the way I did.

P/S: This story has obviously been summarised into a shorter version. The conversation was not as short as it is told.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Can you see me? Can you hear me? Hello?

So today the main topic will be about CCTV.


Boss/owner of the company do not need to come every other time to do a spotcheck on their workers. Or in other easier words, stalk the workers. Did they curi tulang? Did they all do what they were supposed to? Or were they taking things too easily? Thus he gets to save his time and his petrol to come and go back every night before they gym is closed.

Insurance is covered. Nowadays, nothing is ever free. Nothing will be given that easily without proven proof. If the gym were to be robbed on any night, that would be unfortunate. Cause I tell you, the gym makes a lot of money (ehem). So if there were no recorded tapes proving the gym got robbed, tak ke satu hal lain pulak the insurance company had to call the police or investigator to investigate everything. Malaysian police dah lah not as efficient as FBI tu. No offence people.


You are being watched over 24/7. Yes lah, what do you expect? The CCTV is set up for that reason. No such thing as to make sure the insurance company will cover if suddenly the gym terbakar or something. That is just a cover up.  So the boss knows what you are doing and the best part is, when you forget its existence. Padah le jawabnya. You got bored so you turun padang and join the  rest working out. Haa kantoi disitu.

Wireless fidelity is slowed down by 7 times by 100. The CCTV can be watched through online, name it, Facebook, Twitter? Semua boleh. That was what the kakak told me. I am not really sure how it works. Which means, even if you go mobile web to check on yr Fb or Twitter account, it will still be slow.

The above reason, can cause you to be extra tension/stressed out. Brings a lot of disease you know. Elok muda remaja ni nnt muka berkerut sbb tension wifi lembab mcm arnab merangkak -_-

The saddest part is that I cannot even watch Marimar anymore. At home, adik is downloading movies. So line is obviously slow. At work, the CCTV if they are being watched online, line is supeeeeeeeeer slow. Cannot even tweet like always. I am veryyyyyyy sad.


Can you see who wins? The disadvantages. So please pull out the CCTV pleasssssse.

Kalau ini je main points aku untuk buat essay masa SPM haritu, mmg kempunan jatuh tangga la nak dapatkan 100/100 markah tu. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

How Facebook caters to our needs

So your mum sent a friend request to you on Facebook. Your colleague too. Your customers at work as well, bcs you forgot they existed when you were told to post up a picture on your company's webpage. Now all the regular customers are filling up your request's page. Great. The guy who looks at you with weird face, the one that looks as if he has his own agenda playing in his mind? Your backstabber colleague who finally has shown her belang? That person who seems nice to you but you find out that he reports every single thing that you do to everyone?

But you dont want them to make a big fuss about you not approving them? And then they will think that you are hiding things from them. Or maybe they would think that you posted up statuses talking bad about them. Yada yada yada.

That is just life, some say you should be feeling grateful bcs people realise you still exist. Unfortunately, they are not beneficial to you. So, now, you dont know what to do? You didnt want them to check or basically turn all psycho and suddenly they know every single thing about you?

Here's some simple steps. Let me tell you how I did it.

First and foremost, create a friendlist.
Really now is the most suitable time for you to learn about this, go godek-godek your account now. It is so worth your time. It comes in handy when the situation I described above happens out of sudden. Trust me. Say if you dont like yr classmate checking on your statuses, keep liking ALL of yr photos be it pretty or you being vain, so create a friendlist called AVOID. As the list tells it, when the people you wanna avoid adds you up, you can approve them BUT BEFORE THAT, add them to the list first.
Click Account > Edit Friends > + Create a list button (on middle right top corner)

Secondly, set the privacy as you please.
You want to hide that friend's inappropriate "Weh mana link mamat separuh bogel kau ckp td tu? Bak ah" wallpost bcs you are afraid that yr mum would find out? You dont want that weird guy to check all of yr photos and who knows, might transfer them into his phone? Not so delightful comment for decent friends to read?

To hide wallposts from certain someone, 

Click Account > Privacy Settings > Customise Settings (middle below) 
> Go to the "Things others share" section 
> Check out the "Can see Wall posts by friends" part

You dont want anyone to post crappy things that develop a sense of insecurities in you? Here,

Click Account > Privacy Settings > Customise Settings (middle below) 
> Go to the "Things others share" section 
> Dont click "Enable" button on "Friends can post on my wall" box

Wanna hide certain albums that you think is private and make them go all judgmental on you?

Click Account > Privacy Settings > Customise Settings (middle below) 
> Go to the "Things I share" section 
> Click the "Edit privacy settings" for existing photo albums and videos

Third, ALL THE LINES IN RED SHOULD BE FOLLOWED WITH THIS STEP. Make sure you set the AVOID group into all the respective settings Ive said as above.
If you want to hide personal albums from the people in the AVOID group, make sure the AVOID group is listed in the "Hide from" section.

Forth, go back to the Customise Settings section and click the Preview My Profile button on top right corner.
Well just like when you answered yr SPM papers, you double checked all the answers right? To see if your answers answered the questions asked. Same concept here. Double check. For instance, you put Ali in the AVOID list already. So go to "Preview how your Profile appears to a specific person" and type out ALI in the box there and click enter. 

Click to view in better pixels.

See how your page looks like to him if he checks out yr page. Satisfied? No? He can still view the post you didnt want him to see? Kindly go back to step 2 and repeat :)

And the rest? Do yourself a favor and check them all out ;)

I am now officially a happy kid. Less drama to cause insecurities in this drama-less life of mine.

All these hustle and bustle are of course, worth every penny of your time. HA HA. Penny, really Lea? But if you think that certain someone is just not worth wasting your time setting all the privacies, just delete them out of your Facebook life and block them. It sounds mean, but that might be the best thing to do.

Biggest joke as of 22nd May 2011

On another note, manager was joking and asked me, why people wish happy birthday in Malay as, Selamat Hari Jadi? Bkn kau tu "jadi" 9 months before you were borned ke? Sepatutnya wish selamat hari lahir

Then I was clueless. I was trying to convey that it makes sense and sounds better if we say selamat hari jadi instead of selamat hari lahir. Then he said, no no, he disagreed and said kan dlm Bahasa Inggeris dorg ckp "happy birthday" so kenalah ckp selamat hari lahir. He was trying to direct translate.

Then I asked, kenapa tak jadi GEMBIRA HARI LAHIR JE? Selamat dlm Bahasa Inggeris HAPPY eh? T_T

We all laughed like mad and he self-proclaimed that he is the Raja Lawak. 

Decided to make another post for this, because I think it's worth another post. Heh

Sunday, May 22, 2011

People Over Thirty Acting Twenty One

I think I took the lesson learnt for granted.

Oh screw me. I should have known. I was given a sign already that you cannot be fully trusted. Fine, my intention was not to lie. My intention was going back home to have dinner with my family. That one also cannot meh? I know lah my family is awesome and you dont have that -_-

And saddest part was I went back home, and went back to work along with a bekal of char kuey teow for YOU to eat T_T

K. So who else would tell the boss if it was not you? Ok sorry I assumed wrongly. Hikhik. Bcs I was pretty sure it was you. I dont know lah.

It's just so hard to trust everyone now.

We work together, cannot ka if we have good intentions to everyone, be nice and not cause trouble, just for a day. All I ask was just for a day.

Mmg cannot kan. So POTATOish lah you. Except that you havent reached thirty yet.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Working life, working experiences, working lessons

  1. You dont judge a book by its cover, you dont judge a person by their looks or how they act
    If pictures are deceiving, what more if you see someone in person? In pictures, they seem so pretty/decent but in real life? You may judge them by how they talk, but you know, you can never know what they really think or feel inside.

  2. No matter how long you have worked at a place, youre not boss unless you own the place
    It is simple, youre not boss means you have to take care of whatever you do. You cant put yrself before everyone else, do not ever be selfish. You cant do anything ikut suka hati.
    If you use something, make sure you leave it the same way before you use it. For instance, you use the oven to panggang your chicken, yes you can use it but please, make sure it is clean after you have used them. You dont wanna piss the boss. Esok2 kau tgk oven tu dah takde, jadi hadiah pengantin pulak entah2. Haa lepastu terhegeh la kau nak kena panggang ayam kat rumah dulu baru bawak pegi kerja. Kan tak seronok tu.

  3. You cannot let anyone take advantage of you just bcs youre new
    Yes you are new to yr working place, so what? Being new doesnt mean you can let yourself being bullied by whoever. Jangan orang suruh je, kau buat semua benda. I know, you wanna make good impression to the rest of the workers at yr working place, but no, everything has its limits.

  4. Girls and drama they can never be separated
    I bet this, everyone knows. Nampak je kakak tu sporting, baik. Nampak je abang tu suka tolong kau, belanja kau makan. Tp sebenarnya, sama je semuaa. I know you want me to be careful with this person A, but hey hey, I do not need to know all the bad things he/she has done before. I am not such a busy body. It is not like I dont even care but I just dont need to know all about his/her personal life. I have my own to care about, dont you think? I mean, of course it never hurts knowing, boleh jadi pengajaran supaya aku pun tak buat mcmtu jugak. Face it, boys too have their dramas, only less complicated and ridiculous than girls'.

  5. Come to work on time, no one likes you being fashionably late
    There is nothing much for me to elaborate on this, because the line above explains it all. This was what my boss told me during the interview, of course me being the new worker, I never want to come late. I did, only within 5-10 minutes range. If you cant come on time, you just gotta tell the boss like few days earlier so he is aware. And of course, he would not have reasons to bash you back because he already gave you permission.

  6. Think before you speak, be careful of what you wish for
    All I do is eat at the gym people get jealous. Why? Bcs I can eat. I can fucccccccccccccking eat all I want bcs face it, Im grateful and lucky to have this high metabolism rate. You guys dont have that, that is why you are all jealous seeing me eating all I want. I admit, I did say things like Im taking it all for granted but no, actually I am not. I only enjoy seeing people get jealous of me eating. HAR HAR -_- Back home with  my family, I wouldnt really eat anything that is extra salty, extra sweet, extra oily. No, minus the extra. I actually dont fancy sweet salty oily food. I know, they are tasty, tp fikir jauh jelah. It's not healthy for yr body. You have yr own fat percentage to deal with, so why waste yr precious time be jealous of me? I do not wanna get fat, if I ever said that, it was only bcs I wanna gain some, to stabilise this little BMI of mine.

  7. All you gotta do is listen, and jet off when the time has come
    Situation is person A doesnt like person B. So person A told you all the reasons why he hates person B. You just listen, and up to a point you just go off saying "eh aku nak pergi toilet kejap la" "nak minum air jap" "ish tangan aku melekit la nak basuh jap" simply bcs kau pun dah start menyampah dgn person A ni, takde life betul duk mengutuk person B. Why menyampah? Bcs person B has done no harm to you, he was nice to you. So why the sudden hatred? You wanna make person B hates you for nothing? I bet you have enough insecurities to deal with already.

  8. Dont simply trust everyone, who told you everyone is nice? Theyre nice, because they want something in returnPerson A hates person B. Person B cried got some personal problems. Person A asked you why. You said you dont know bcs person B no longer trust you to tell all her stories. 5 minutes later, person A told you that he knows what went wrong with person B already. Smells smthg fishy? Sure.

    Lesson learnt, easiest thing to do would be, go with the flow.

    Harm none, save one. Yourself.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

After a hurricane comes a rainbow

So I basically checked the famous blogs quite every day, but no updates. Cuz blogger did their once in a blue moon job, maintenance. And that obviously scratched a little by little my spirit to write.

Anyways gym today, working has been a little boring because not many people came to work their bodies out. Anyways big thank you to boss aka Abg Shahrin, he bought me dinner, McChicken :D

Mmg fat percentage aku tak turunlah mcmni. Hahaha.

Went to Ojie's sister's wedding at UPM with bestie this evening anddddddd :')

Btw I think it's really sweet when there are hubs and wifey come to gym, and the wife willingly waits for the hubs. Sweeeeeeeeet. Imma do that too someday (when Im pregnant harhar) andddd of course it will be much sweeter if I join my future hubs to exercise too aite. Hihi. Dream big.

Till then, tata. Oh that's my short hair. Not so short, I know. Medium length, but. Uh. K.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Paling tak annoying

Bila kau bercerita, aku pasang telinga dgn khusyuk.

Tp kau? Syok texting dgn pakwe.

Ye memang, aku ni bukan siapa-siapa pada kau.

Ye memang, aku pun tak berminat nak berkongsi cerita dgn kau.

Tetapi, kalau kau boleh tahan hot mcm mamat ni, boleh jgk aku bersabar.


Jangan risau, jangan bimbang.

Sbb kau juga bukanlah siapa-siapa pada aku.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Youre one in a twenty

My 14th day of working. I wanted to go to gym in the morning, but I couldnt, cuz brother was using the car to pay the bills. And when I reached at 3PM, he was already on his last steps of workouts. Awww. And he came back later at night. Hikhik. Ive been talking about this one hot guy all the time, no? Hm.

The reason why I didnt post blog every day was because, I was haunted with mood swings. So you get the picture aite. If I do write anyway, my blog posts are not gonna sound positive (as if youve been posting positive blogs -_-") Oh.

So here, a bullet essay.

  1. You are a married man with 3 kids. I get it. Having one wife can never be enough, so you just have to mengorat the other girls.
  2. You are single, but not available. Why? Cuz you let yrself be attached to one who has another partner at the other side of the world. There are just so many other fishes in the sea, but the one who's hooked just happens to be the one you want so bad. 
  3. Too obvious, the door has "PUSH" written on it. You just had to pull it.
  4. You are the only one, I repeat, the only one Im waiting for a "hi" and a "goodbye" from when you come and before you left.
  5. Every day before I go back, I take a chance to have a look at you. Cuz man, it lasts me the whole night sleeping soundly :p
  6. So you were telling us about yr little sister. Who always told her friends how such a bad of a sister you were. So, you just didnt realise you were doing EXACTLY the same thing too. Now now, think where did she get the habit from?
  7. Now, you know how to use the equipments. You know how to do the workouts the right way. And you see them doing it the wrong way. But there you are, sitting and looking. Didnt even bother to tell them off.
  8. You are old, but you wanted to be young again, so bad. When there is a woman who becomes a member, menggatal la kerja kau. What, you think life is like the 17 Again? Oh no way. Step on the ground, please.
  9. So, you have a girlfriend and you are a big, big fan of Dato Siti Nurhaliza. And you just had to edit a picture of her and Dato Siti side by side, uploaded it on Facebook with a caption saying they look alike. Like hello, where the heck are your eyeballs? Kat kepala lutut ke?
  10. Whats the point I left the pen in each book? To make them as penanda buku. And tell me why you have to put the pens off of the books when we have so many pens in the first place?
Biggest dabeliyu tee eff to all except for one. Guess which :D

Honestly man, I could get yr number anytime I want. 1- use yr phone to call mine. 2- get it from the customer's list book cuz I know yr real name. 3- ask from my colleagues. But Im not gonna do any, cuz well. Im cool like that.

And every time before I go back, I wish you would come again, the next day.

Call me scandalous.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Madness & Anger

When those two feelings are mixed and cant be controlled, what more to be vented, lets just bid goodbye to life -_-"

Nah Im kidding.

Btw today we talked again. And someone made me blushed when he said "Korg ni ada pape ke?" which he replied with "Asall, dia ni scandal aku tau".

Hahah. That alone, vanished all of my anger and madness.

But when I got home, Im back to this angry mode. Wish I can talk to him right now.

Man, whats happening?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Even if you have money, beauty, wisdom and basically everything under the sun, if you dont have happiness, life wouldnt be complete

It's all about him

Oh I wish i could write all about you today. Cewah. Pdhal takde benda pun. Hahaha.

Woke up at 10am, it was late already, janji dgn boss (dia nak dera aku) pukul 10am. Tp half an hour later br aku sampai. Hamik kau sampai2 je terus kena buat circuit training, cmtu lah kot ejaan dia. Tibai saja. Esok br tanya. Perghhhhh penatttttttt. Pegi kerja badan lembik je. Dorg pulak siap cakap esok tak blh bangun la, nak duduk payah, nak buang air susah, panjat tangga jalan mengengkang mcm org tak kena bengkung tu. SAYANG KORANG LAH! Sgt membantu! Yelah the last time I sweat myself was like, whatt a year ago? Other than that, I only panjat tangga at Puncak Alam. Sweat ke? Sikit la kot.. Ok miss, you can stop already.

So working today had been so much fun, because though I came a bit late, bcs I went to KLIA to fetch bestie br balik dr umrah, tp boss tak marah. Sporting boss aku (takde tujuan nak bodek kat sini, sekian). Reached at gym about 5.30pm when I was supposed to start at 3pm hahaha. Selamba badak aku. Pukul 5 tu siap blh bantai makan nasi dulu aka late lunch lg kat rumah Kd. Hikhik. Nasib baik masa sampai gym tu boss tak marah. Put up a little cute face (pdhal tak cute pun har har) and said hi and sorry to boss! Sorry tau lmbt boss! Mcm lah dia baca blog aku -__-"

Tp hrni cam lenguhhh gila badan. Sbb kena dera pagi2 buta -_- Mcm askar kena kerah la. Tp best! Pastu gossip2 hal gym dgn kakak2 ni ha. And kembar saya, sbb we both happen to have the same ring. Ahaks. Coincidence :p

The thing yg buat today sangat fun and filled with laugh was because I hacked one of the customer's account. Hahaha. Siapa suruh log in Facebook kau guna phone aku. Kuikui. Mmg best lah aku hack tu. Lama tak sakit perut mcmni. Mmg best laaaaaaa. Mintak2 perut aku maintain kempis. Tlg jgn buncit, nnt tak pepasal kena dera lg teruk dgn Kak Baby huaaaaaaaaaaa :( Dia siap dah pesan kat Twitter pulak tu. Hahaha

Ok dah tu saja kot. Ada cerita tentang OTG tp aku share dgn adik beradik sudeh. Nak tau lebih lanjut? Tggu siaran seterusnya. Hahahah. Kau ni Lea. Mcm kena air ketum la. Masalah betul harini. Habis semua customer kau kacau. Kak Nanie (kakak yg ddk kaunter dgn aku) pun dah berjangkit 10 minit sebelum blk. Sampai dia halau balik so that tak berjangkit lebih2 BOLEH PULAKKKKK  -___________-"

Dah, baik kau berhenti sebelum kau menggila lagi kat sini. K tata!

P/S: Takut jgk dengar kembar saya cerita, dia kena dera sampai muntah2. K.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

& to the gym

I go! :p

Bye, Im hoping to sweat alott. Im hoping that this continues till I finish working :D

Reason #4

If you read my second post, the reasons are mostly same, why? Sbb semua mencuci mata saya. Aah kan.

1- Lucky bcs I have cool bosses and sporting manager.
2- Met hot guys, the REALLY hot guys. The ones you drool over!
3- Met a cyclist/biker? Idk. But he is so handsome in person. Ive googled him (oh yes I did) but pictures in Google dont seem to shine his good-lookingness.
4- Met owner of mamak.
5- Juniors, seniors reunion harhar.
6- Free wireless fidelity. Cehh mentang2 kau amik Computing!

In brief, the 2nd till 5th was basically me meeting new people. Or re-meet the old people. Smthg like that.

So, that makes only 3 reasons why.

Here's the 4th.

I learn a lot about fitness. I know how these body builders work their bodies out. Ive seen their before and after pictures. Ive seen their trophies, what theyve won. What inspires them. What they eat, how they live. Yes, all that too along with how such a player they are -_-"

If nothing comes in between

Hey, Im posting once every day, that's what Im trying to do. Since I am actually still bored, though Im already not unemployed.

Uh k so basically my day today was, not that good. Cuz I woke up due to mum's babble about this and that. The past 3 nights I think, Ive been sleeping without the cadar on. Bcs I think it was last week, it was raining so heavily, and ceiling in my room bocor. Entah tak faham mcmana, but it got my tilam half wet. Im not mad, relax je. But Im mad now bcs dad said he wanted to jemur the tilam for me, but he didnt :(

Ahh btw tilam tu dah kering pun, bau kepam pun dah hilang. So leave it that way je lah.

Went to work around 3pm, sampai 2 minutes late. Haha. Manager asked why I was quiet, pdhal it was just 10 minutes or less I sat at the counter. I think it was bcs kena marah kot before came to work.

Oh and I got to know more inside stories about the gym. Fun! Uhuk ihik.

K thats all, Imma try to write better later. Hahaha. Working today at gym developed the feeling, or shall I say, it nurtures my feeling to be fit. So hopefully tomorrow Ill wake up early and go to the gym to sweat a little bit. Till then, toodles!

Monday, May 2, 2011

How I spent my Labour's Day?

Well, mum wished me Selamat Hari Pekerja this morning, dad did wish too. Pdhal br kerja enam hari. Apa lah sangat. Ah thank you btw mummy. Loves! Heheh.

Semangat je aku ni, pdhal bknnya dpt apa pun cuti ni. You know what I did today? Woke up early. And around 8.30am went to Penang straight, cuz my brother is having his sem break, for about a month. And I might be having trouble to go to work too, since he is around andddddddddd he might wanna use the car. So I had to find my own way to work. This is why I hate him being home for holidays.

But mum told him off, he can go to anywhere he want WITHOUT the car hee hee hee. Happy!

Oh back to my story.. Reached Penang around 1pm, fetched brother from UiTM anddddd headed straight to Jusco Bukit Mertajam. Had lunch, shopped groceries. Bla bla bla. Blk. Dad is super crazy with ikan keli and ikan patin masak tempoyak. I got bored with ikan keli already sbb setiap hari makan kat Puncak Alam -_-"

Reached home at 11.30pm. And that was basically it. Too brief? Ahh, Im tired.. Till then, toodles!

P/S: someone just couldnt stop texting me today. Urgh menyampah you.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

6th day at work

I just finished my 6th day at work just now at 8PM :)

I must say the first three days were not as joyous as today well bcs today the manager takde. I just got to know that he is a garang person. But hes been okay with me lah within these 6 days. Idk how it will be next. Just hoping for the best. Kan? :)

Main reasons why I am starting to love my job --
  1. I didnt really make friends except for with the workers and big bosses. And big bosses along with our manager are all very cool and sporting people. Walaupun baru kenal 6 hari tp dah rasa mcm lama kenal, sebab mereka tersangatlah friendly :)
  2. Met a LOT of hot guys there. Seriously, tak tipu. Ada sorg ni, hot hot jgk, and he is only 21. But I dont know where hes studying at, yet. Haha. Buat cool sudah. Gila apa nak interview on the spot kan. Pasang telinga masa dia borak sudah le :p
  3. Oh do you know M Kumaresan? Yes well, I met him there too. He comes, boleh kata every day jgk la. Manager told me smthg abt him tp it's kinda personal. Cant tell here. Too public meh. Tp dia ni suka kacau aku lebih2 sikit. Korg boleh try Google gmbr beliau. But seeing him in person, he is VERY HANDSOME! Mcm ada gaya Romeo gitu.
  4. The owner of Ameer Ali at Seksyen 15, Bangi? Yes, him too. Very humble and friendly, just like the mister biker. Tp yg ni tak berpeluang nak borak sgt lah dgn dia lagi. Someday later, definitely maybe!
  5. Juniors of my school, the Indians lah mostly. Haha. Oh and seniors pun ada jgk. Kuat melatah. Ada sekali tu, saja buat dia terkejut, masa bg kunci tu aku hulur kat dia then aku ckp "OPOCOT MAK ENGKAUU!" then dia pun opocot lah 10 saat. Dia mcm yg sawan tu, berulang ulang. Hahahha. Kelakar sgt. Setiap  kali dia dtg mmg akan buat ktorg gelak. Mmg meriah lah gym tu.
  6. I can go online 24 hours, all the time I am at the gym I can go online. I can bring my laptop and put it at the counter also. Not a problem. Oh and yesterday, Kak Baby the big boss sanggup pusingkan the monitor in the office just for me to watch while working. Pdhal kerja aku duduk kat protein bar tu and watch. Bukan buat kerja pun, mcm ponteng pun ye jugak -.-'
Hmm I guess Ill be updating the rest later. I have to go now, tomorrow I gotta wake up early and off I go to Penang at 7AM! Yes. Till then, laterrrrrrr :)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hi everyone :)

Hi, Ill be basically writing about ... well my days working at gym. Who I met there, or the joke we talked about. Or maybe about my family. Meeting a friend. Or smthg. Life stories. It might not sound fun, but well. Ill just write, and youll just read if you want.

Enough for perkenalan not? Hahah. I really thought I had so much to write just now. When Im here, to the air it disposes off :p K see ya later at second post!