You are number

Monday, July 18, 2011


First of all, sorry saya lame sebab bawak hashtag ke blog.

Second of all, saya tak kisah pun apa awak nak cakap. Saya buat demikian bersebab, sebabnya tak lain dan tak bukan, saya tak mahu bos saya baca dan seterusnya mengetahui kebanyakan perkara yg saya lalui semasa kecil. Saya tak tahu kenapa, tapi firasat saya kuat mengatakan bahawa bos tidak lagi mempunyai kepercayaan yg teguh spt dahulu terhadap saya.

Sebab musabab? Ada budak bertuah yg berumur 25 tahun yg mulutnya, kalah tempayan. Tambah lagi dgn kaki report. Memangg, memang. Sabar je la. Tp tak mengapa, aku kerja situ bukan sampai mati, so boleh sabar dan buat relax je ;)

Mari kita teruskan ke topik hari ini. Eh malam ini. Sekarang baru pukul 12 tengah malam. Apa hal hari pulak kan. Tapi dah hari baru, eh betullah. Eh apa-apa je lah.

1. Saya bangun awal, dalam pukul 6. Selesai mandi, tepat2 masa utk menunaikan solat Subuh. Lepas tu kemas beg. Keluar rumah pukul 6.50 pagi. Tak tipu woi. Dulu aku siap cepat, tak perlu nak bedak muka. Haa sampai sekolah pukul 7 pagi.

2. Saya naik basikal pergi ke sekolah.

3. Saya akan menyapu lantai kelas saya sehingga bersih, keseorangan. Mcm loser disitu. Tapi saya tak kisah pun.

4. Saya seorang pengawas yg suka mengambil kesempatan. Hik hik

5. Tepat jam pukul 7.15 pagi saya akan pergi ke kelas jagaan saya, marah budak-budak kelas tersebut, kerah mereka sapu lantai, lap tingkap (bukan lap basah pun, asal tak berhabuk je) dan susun meja. Ya, guna pembaris panjang tu ye. Yg cikgu suka guna utk babap kita kalau kerja sekolah tak siap tu.

6. 7.25 pagi saya arahkan semua budak pergi beratur di tapak perhimpunan.

7. 7.30 pagi saya pula menuju ke tapak perhimpunan, jerit kepada mereka suruh beratur bagi lurus, kalau boleh nak kalahkan pembaris panjang tu. BARIS, LURUS!

8. Ada budak yg saya berkenan hati ni, cikgu Bahasa Melayu saya cakap karangan dia terpesong. Woo sanggup tu saya sneak out drp tugas saya sbg seorang pengawas, naik ke kelas pada waktu rehat. Selongkar barang beliau, cari kertas karangan dia. Nak baca, rasa tak puas hati bergaul dgn sedikit simpati. Kenapa dan bagaimana boleh terpesong karangan beliau tu? Mamat tersebut skrg selamat berkapel dgn awek cina. Wuyoo cemburu saya.

9. Waktu sudah habis rehat pula, bukan main semangat lagi halau budak-budak suruh pergi beratur di tapak perhimpunan tak pun balik kelas. Kalah org yg fanatik bola jerit-jerit bagi sokongan padu mereka tu tau. Lepas tu tak reti balik kelas dgn kadar segera, malahan muka tebal kalah buku rujukan Fizik SPM tu pergi mintak ayam free drp pakcik kantin. Bkn seketul, 3-4 ketul pun boleh dapat. Kalau beli sendiri, seketul RM1. Tu yg waktu rehat sanggup berpura-pura diet tu.

10. Saya bulat. Maksud saya, pipi saya bulat. Lepas tu terkejut hampir nak demam apabila dapat keputusan UPSR. Bangga mak bapak aku jemput aku dr sekolah woi. Pdhal hampir 100+ org dpt keputusan cemerlang.

Sekian, itu sahaja memori indah saya menjadi seorang budak di sekolah rendah dulu.

Sekolah Kebangsaan Jalan Tiga, sekolah kebanggaanku. Sampai bila-bila.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ignorant kills, too

I've been my usual self of ignorant. I am OVERly ignorant that I didn't even care if I came work late.

Like today, work starts at 4 but I came at 4.30. That IS late, like VERY late to me ok. Kalau 10 minit lmbt pun dah gelabah, ni 30 minit lambat. Apaa cerita? Me don't care.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Relationship tips #1

Never compare your parents with each other's.

Let me tell you why, say if you guys are meant to be together forever oh the happy ending.. *dreaming* walking down the altar..* Oi awak tu melayu la oi.

Ah *slaps face* k back to the point. Sure setiap raya or any celebration you are gonna invite parents masing-masing kan? Takkan masa tu you guys still wanna compare. Lgpun bila dah kahwin nnt masa raya mst salam mintak maaf. Some wives would follow their husband and live together in the in-laws house. Nak compare jgk?

Mmg tak kemana la kau. Satu je, everybody has their own flaws, their imperfections. That is what that make them unique, make everyone taken. The only person you can be is YOU! Bcs as cliche as this might sound, no one is perfect. That's the first.

Another thing I can conclude, you two have no respect for each other. Obviously when you compare you will be biased. Duh? Who will not back up their own parents? It's ever so illogical if you see someone hating their parents and you will start to go bonkers against them, kan? Think.

So never compare, learn to accept and appreciate instead. It will lead you to a good life.

Been there, done that.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just telling

I hate everything that implies, I am the one who added you at Facebook. Seriously, I hardly add people.

If I do, it's because I am really interested to be friends with that particular person or. Yup, just that. May I emphasize on, REALLY INTERESTED?

Or if that person has annoyed me beyond my limitations that I have to go search you and.. press the "Add Friend" button. Duh?

Because I don't add people, I set all of my page private. The only thing you could see would be my profile picture and my email. And the "Add Friend" button on my page.

Oh I forgot, the "Unfriend" and "Report/block this person" buttons -_-

If you did try though, to those who are not in my friendlist, you can't even search me on Facebook. It's like I'm a non-existent.

Yes, to that extent. Ahaks.

Why? I don't want so many useless people in my friendlist when I already have enough.

Wanted to delete some. But all of them turns out to be someone I know, from school. From work. From university. Juniors, seniors.

I just can't delete them. Kang terasa pulak.

Oh unless, you've done something so irritating for my eyes to read. I have no reasons left to keep you in my friendlist.

Kbye. I sound so kerek here.

Monday, July 4, 2011

What I was saying

was that I am missing you. Until now.

Someone at the gym just made me realise, even harder deeper that all I wanted, was you. You were and are still the only reason why I am single right now. The sole, ultimate reason.

I don't know if that is supposed to be amazing or. Disappointing.

For once and for all, all I wanted is you.

I didn't wanna end up like a friend of mine, who is now with a boyfriend who is super nice. That it got her so hard, to dumb him and get herself the only boy that she has been missing for so long. Three years I shall say. She dumped her ex, whom she is still missing up till now, bcs her ex was a playboy. He two-timed her.

I wrote more than 500 words already telling a story about a girl. Making it a third person view. Didn't post it up. I did not know why I did not want to post it up. To be precise, it was a 663 words essay. Halfway done.

For all I know, after doing so, I only miss you, even harder than before :-(

Sunday, July 3, 2011

I could not sleep, I need sleeping pills

Oh the line after the comma, it was from my bestfriend. Mom couldn't sleep too. I went out just now to living room, thought of watching some movies my little brother downloaded online, only to find out that she was there, facebooking. I know, my momma's very cool, she has her own Facebook. What even cooler is that, I no longer have anything to hide from her, anymore. :)

Alright, so lately I have been thinking. My salary? Nak guna untuk beli apa? Yes, some of you might say, bagi parents la a part of it. I did think of that. Tp cm.. My parents tak mintak pun from me anything. All they asked for is for me to treat them to lunch/dinner. That's not a big deal at all.

Ceh cakap lebih, kau tengok sendiri nnt, kau belanja dorg ke tidak?

My salary, it is not that much. If I were to compare to other places, for instance, kalau kerja kat butik Zara tu, mmg lah tak seberapa. Terus terang aku cakap, gaji tak sampai seribu pun. In fact, tak pernah sampai seribu. Akan sampai, kalau aku dpt close personal trainer atau, sales bulanan mencecah RM25k dan ke atas. Personal trainer tu, kalau aku dpt yakinkan orang utk amik personal training kat gym, nnt dpt lah dlm RM140 atau RM180. So kalau dpt score dua org, dpt lah cecah 1k. Ni ha, dah masuk dua bulan kerja, barulah dpt merasa gaji 1k++. Alhamdulillah :-)

So dgn gaji aku yg tak seberapa ni, dah dua bulan kerja. Aku fikir, mcm nak beli Samsung Galaxy Tab. Lepastu nak tukar number, guna Digi pulak, yes baju kuning ye rakan-rakan. Jgn pakai baju kuning tau masa 9 Julai nnt, tak pepasal kena tangkap dgn polis. Kan ada Bersih rally tu. Ok melencong pulak dah. Back to topic now. Sebab musabab nak tukar ke Digi? Senang je, sbb nak online 24/7.

Which, I do not really need that. Why?

1. Tadi baru je outing with family (kenapa aku sebut outing dgn family pulak ni) dalam perjalanan pulang dr MidValley ke rumah, terdetik di fikiran "see, I did have fun going out today. I do not really need to be online 24/7 kan mcm org lain yg guna BB tu". Betul ke tidak? Betul. Aku terpaksa mengaku, aku tiada sebab utk beli Galaxy Tab tu.

2. Korg tahu tak Galaxy Tab tu besar dia mcmana? Rupa dia mcmana? Skrin dia 7 inci tau. Aku nak sbb senang taip, dan bila kita dah taip tu dia takkan automatik tukar ke ayat bahasa inggeris, mcm sebarang produk keluaran syarikat Apple, spt iPhone yg akan buat anda menjadi seorang iBroke itu. Ok? Sbb secara jujur, aku cukup menyampah bila guna iPad pakcik aku, asal aku taip je, tetibe jd bahasa lain. Lepastu tanpa sedar, dah tertekan send. Ha mulalah org cop aku ni banyak typo. Itulah yg paling aku benci wahai manusia sekalian alam oiii. Oh ha, so kalau skrin depa dah 7 inci, apa lg, handbag saya pun kena la besar skit. Takkan nak tggl Tabby kat rumah je kot? Kena la bawak pegi mana2 kan. Lepastu leceh, kena ada headset jgk ke mana-mana kita pergi. Kang tak pepasal kena jwb call org dgn loudspeaker. Aishh.

Dah masuk study nnt cmne? Lg lah, dgn buku setebal batu-bata org buat utk bina rumah tu lagi. Aiseymannn.

Kalau korg dah baca sebab aku yg baru dua kerat tu ha, korg mst boleh nmpk, yg aku masih antara nak atau taknak beli kan Galaxy Tab tu? Ayuh kita teruskan ke alasan yg ketiga pula.

3. Kalau tak beli Galaxy Tab, aku boleh beli banyak benda lain dgn gaji aku. Boleh tambahkan lg semak kat bilik aku ni dgn pelbagai baju baru. Boleh beli heels yg entah bila lg aku pakai. Al maklumlah, keluar lepak dgn kawan pun sgt jarang. Selalu dgn kawan baik aku je, yg mana ktorg selalu lepak mamak. Takkan nak bergaya mcm org tak ingat dunia setakat lepak mamak je kot? Tp, aku kerja 3 bulan ++, skrg ni tgh tggu gaji bulan ketiga pulak. So, nnt aku dpt duit lebih jgk. Cuma, kalau beli Tabby, mmg aku takde duit lebih lgsg la utk spend time degree nnt.

Ayat last tu, mmg attempt aku sendiri untuk tepek diri sendiri. So skrg, aku rasa aku dah tahu aku patut beli ke tak Galaxy Tab tu. Tp.. ish keinginan diri ini tetap meronta-ronta disuruh tuan punya badan memenuhi kehendak hati :-(

Pun boleh, Lea. Make up yr mind lah!

Kalau tak beli Galaxy Tab, kau boleh la beli produk kesukaan kau yg kau dah lama idam-idamkan tu.

Clinique Clear Skin System untuk sifar jerawat. Dan tidak lupa juga, B.Liv Off with Those Heads.

Serious dah terlebih drp 10 kali aku masuk Sasa, just to check on that B.Liv product, manalah tahu, kot2 sale harga turun mendadak mmg masa tu jgk aku pergi atm machine nak withdraw duit. Lepastu declare diri papa kedana ye.

Oh btw, lupa nak ckp, ada customer ni ha smlm selepas habis dia workout, dia tunjuk gambar dia pergi karaoke dgn Dato' Siti. Aku berangan kejap kot2 satu hari dia nak ajak aku join sekaki kan.